Sunday, June 19, 2011

Desensitivity Training for Travelers to France

I am a sensitive guy and do my best not to stand out too much in other countries. To this end I am preparing a new training course for all us sensitive people. Like most American men I've been taught that, when it comes to women, "no" means no. In fact even yes can mean no. Never say anything like "Your legs look peachy in that dress." And flirting in the work place is completely off limits. This is a very easy one for me to observe since I am not sure what flirting means exactly.

But for sensitive academics traveling in France this is all wrong and so some desensitivity training is in order. Evidently, in France, it is perfectly acceptable to assume that no means yes. And, if you do not comment on those dreamy, peachy legs, you may be insulting your host and hostess. (I feel certain that in France the use of the ess is acceptable, if not required.) I am not sure I can get all of this down without some lectures by real French people who have lived with the American respect for women. I really need to feel their pain, understand just how they feel and, specifically, I need to know about the every day unconscious things I do that are hurtful to them.

When I am finished with that I will work on advancing the criminal law with the adoption of the affirmative defense to sex crimes -- But I am French.

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